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HomeStyleBeauty & GroomingFlattering Eyeliner Styles for Your Eyes Based on Eye Shape

Flattering Eyeliner Styles for Your Eyes Based on Eye Shape

This article provides a comprehensive guide for transgender women on selecting and applying eyeliner based on eye shape. It covers various eyeliner types, including pencil, liquid, gel, kohl, and marker eyeliners, detailing their unique benefits and application techniques. By tailoring eyeliner styles to almond, round, hooded, monolid, downturned, upturned, close-set, and wide-set eyes, readers can enhance their natural beauty and express their individuality confidently.

Makeup can be a powerful tool for self-expression and enhancing your natural beauty. For many transgender women, mastering the art of eyeliner can be both exciting and a bit daunting. Understanding how to choose and apply the right eyeliner style for your eye shape can make a significant difference in your makeup routine. This guide will help you navigate the world of eyeliner, offering tips and techniques tailored to various eye shapes. Remember, makeup is an optional and personal choice—your beauty and transition journey are uniquely yours.

Understanding Eyeliner Types and Their Uses

Eyeliner is a versatile tool that can dramatically change the appearance of your eyes, adding depth, definition, and a touch of glamour. For those new to eyeliner, the wide array of products can be overwhelming. Each type of eyeliner offers different benefits and techniques, making it essential to choose the right one for your needs and preferences. Here’s a detailed look at the various types of eyeliners and how to use them effectively.

Pencil Eyeliner: Pencil eyeliners are a staple in many makeup kits due to their ease of use and versatility. They are perfect for beginners as they allow for greater control and precision. Pencil eyeliners can create both soft, smudged lines and defined, crisp lines. To create a smoky eye effect, apply the pencil liner along your lash line and use a smudging brush or your fingertip to blend it out. For a more defined look, sharpen the pencil before application and draw a thin, precise line along your lashes.

Liquid Eyeliner: Liquid eyeliners are renowned for their precision and ability to create sharp, dramatic lines. They come with either a brush or felt-tip applicator, making it possible to draw fine lines or bold, graphic designs. Liquid liners are ideal for achieving cat eyes and intricate details. To use it, start from the inner corner of your eye and draw a smooth, continuous line towards the outer corner. For a cat-eye effect, extend the line slightly upward at the outer corner.

Gel Eyeliner: Gel eyeliners provide a creamy texture that is easy to blend, offering the boldness of liquid liners with the ease of pencil liners. They are typically applied with an angled brush, which allows for precise control and versatility in creating both thin and thick lines. Gel liners are great for creating intense, dramatic looks as well as softer, smudged effects. Dip the angled brush into the gel, wipe off any excess, and apply along your lash line, starting from the inner corner and working outward.

Kohl Eyeliner: Kohl eyeliners are known for their soft texture and ease of smudging, making them perfect for creating smoky eye looks. They are highly pigmented and can be used to line both the upper and lower waterlines. Kohl eyeliners are ideal for adding intensity to your eye makeup. To use, apply the kohl liner along your lash line and waterline, then smudge with a brush or cotton swab for a sultry, smoky effect.

Marker Eyeliner: Marker eyeliners, similar to liquid liners, feature a felt-tip applicator that combines precision with ease of application. They are user-friendly and perfect for creating bold lines and winged eyeliner looks. The felt-tip allows for steady, controlled application, making it easy to draw smooth, continuous lines. To use, start at the inner corner of your eye and draw along the lash line, extending the line slightly past the outer corner for a winged effect.

Each type of eyeliner offers unique advantages, and experimenting with different ones can help you discover which works best for you. Whether you’re aiming for a subtle enhancement or a bold statement, understanding these tools will empower you to create various looks with confidence.

Finding the Right Eyeliner Style for Your Eye Shape

Now that you are familiar with the different types of eyeliners and their uses, the next step is to find the most flattering eyeliner style for your specific eye shape. Each eye shape has unique characteristics, and certain eyeliner techniques can enhance these features beautifully. By tailoring your eyeliner application to your eye shape, you can achieve a look that highlights your natural beauty and makes your eyes stand out.

Identifying your eye shape is the first step in this process. Once you know your eye shape, you can experiment with various eyeliner styles to find what works best for you. From almond to monolid eyes, every shape can benefit from a personalized approach to eyeliner. Let’s explore how to enhance each eye shape with the right eyeliner techniques.

Almond Eyes

Almond eyes are characterized by an upswept outer corner and a visible crease. Most eyeliner styles work well with almond eyes, but the classic winged eyeliner is particularly flattering.

Technique: Start with a thin line at the inner corner and gradually thicken it as you move towards the outer corner. Extend the line slightly past the outer corner to create a wing. This accentuates the natural shape and adds a touch of glamour.

Round Eyes

Round eyes are large and open, often with a more prominent upper lid. The goal is to elongate the eyes to create a balanced look.

Technique: Begin with a thin line at the inner corner and make it thicker towards the outer corner. Avoid extending the line too far up. Instead, create a subtle wing that follows the natural curve of your lash line to add length.

Hooded Eyes

Hooded eyes have a fold of skin that partially covers the crease, making the eyelid appear smaller. The key is to create an eyeliner style that opens up the eyes.

Technique: Opt for a thin, tight line along the upper lash line. When creating a wing, make sure it’s visible when your eyes are open. A cat-eye style, with a slightly exaggerated wing, can lift and define the eyes.

Monolid Eyes

Monolid eyes have a flat eyelid without a defined crease. The goal is to create the illusion of depth and definition.

Technique: Use a thicker line along the lash line, tapering off at the outer corner. By slightly smudging the liner, you can create a smoky effect that adds dimension. Adding a wing can also lift and elongate the eyes.

Downturned Eyes

Downturned eyes have a slight droop at the outer corners. The aim is to lift the eyes for a more balanced look.

Technique: Start with a thin line at the inner corner and gradually thicken it towards the outer corner, extending the line upwards to create a wing. This lifts the outer corners, giving a more uplifted appearance.

Upturned Eyes

Upturned eyes have an upward tilt at the outer corners. They are naturally suited for winged eyeliner styles.

Technique: Emphasize the natural shape by creating a winged liner. Start with a thin line at the inner corner, gradually thickening it towards the outer corner, and extend it upwards. This complements and enhances the upturned shape.

Close-Set Eyes

Close-set eyes have less space between them. The goal is to create the illusion of more space between the eyes.

Technique: Focus on the outer corners. Start the line a bit away from the inner corner and gradually thicken it towards the outer corner, extending it into a wing. This draws attention outward and balances the distance between the eyes.

Wide-Set Eyes

Wide-set eyes have more space between them. The aim is to bring the eyes closer together.

Technique: Emphasize the inner corners. Start with a line from the inner corner, making it slightly thicker there, and gradually thin it out towards the outer corner. Avoid extending the line too far outward to maintain balance.

Tips for Applying Eyeliner

Now that you have a better understanding of how to tailor your eyeliner to your specific eye shape, it’s time to put these techniques into practice. Here are some additional tips to help you achieve the perfect eyeliner look:

  1. Start with a Steady Hand: Rest your elbow on a flat surface to keep your hand steady. Use short, light strokes to build up the line gradually.
  2. Use Primer: Applying an eye primer before your eyeliner helps prevent smudging and keeps your liner in place all day.
  3. Experiment with Angles: Play with different angles to find what suits your eye shape best. A handheld mirror at chin level can help you see your lash line clearly.
  4. Blend for Softness: If you prefer a softer look, use a brush to blend and smudge the liner gently. This technique works well for pencils and gel liners.
  5. Practice Makes Perfect: Don’t be discouraged if it takes a few tries to get it right. Practice will help you gain confidence and precision.

The Bottom Line

Choosing the right eyeliner style can enhance your natural beauty and highlight your eyes’ unique shape. Whether you prefer a bold, dramatic look or a subtle, natural one, the key is to experiment and find what makes you feel confident and beautiful. Remember, makeup is a personal choice and an expression of your individuality. It’s an art form that should be fun and empowering.

Eyeliner is just one tool in your makeup kit, and how you use it is entirely up to you. Your beauty and identity are defined by much more than makeup. Embrace your journey, explore different styles, and enjoy the process of discovering what works best for you.

Founder of TransVitae, her life and work celebrate diversity and promote self-love. She believes in the power of information and community to inspire positive change and perceptions of the transgender community.


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