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Ohio Poll Highlights Big Rift Over Transgender Rights

An Ohio poll reveals significant opposition to transgender rights, highlighting political divides ahead of the 2024 elections. As transgender issues become central in campaigns, advocates emphasize the importance of electing allies to protect transgender rights at state and federal levels, especially amid concerns of wavering support and potential challenges if Donald Trump is re-elected.

As the 2024 election cycle intensifies, transgender rights have emerged as a focal point of political discourse, particularly in Ohio. A recent Ohio Pulse Poll released by Baldwin Wallace University reveals deep-seated divisions among voters on issues affecting the transgender community. The poll’s findings underscore the challenges faced by transgender individuals and highlight the critical importance of voter engagement in shaping policies that impact their lives.

Widespread Opposition Revealed in Ohio Pulse Poll

The Baldwin Wallace University survey, conducted from September 30 to October 1, polled 877 registered voters across Ohio on topics related to transgender rights. The results indicate significant opposition to policies that support transgender individuals:

  • Transgender Athletes in Sports: Nearly 75% of respondents opposed allowing transgender high school athletes to play on teams that match their gender identity.
  • Medical Care for Minors: Approximately 73% objected to physicians providing minors with gender transition medical care.
  • Public Bathroom Access: About 66% opposed transgender people using public bathrooms aligned with their gender identity.
  • Parental Notification in Schools: Over 55% supported requiring public schools to notify parents if a student identifies with a gender different from their sex assigned at birth.

These figures reflect not only a general resistance but also a stark partisan divide. While 37% of Democrats strongly opposed transgender athletes participating in sports matching their gender identity, a staggering 78% of Republicans felt the same. Similar disparities appeared on questions about medical care and bathroom access.

Transgender Rights Become a Political Strategy

Republican candidates in Ohio are capitalizing on these sentiments as part of their campaign strategies. With the November elections approaching, they have intensified their focus on transgender issues, using them to rally their base and appeal to undecided voters.

Rep. Gary Click, a Fremont Republican and primary sponsor of House Bill 68—which bans youth from receiving gender transition health care and restricts transgender women from participating in female sports—believes that emphasizing these issues will benefit Republicans at the polls.

“(Democrats) are radical and extreme on these issues,” Click said. “They are not with the American people. They are not with the people in Ohio. So I think that bodes well for us in this election.”

Similarly, the Senate Leadership Fund, a Republican super PAC, has launched a series of ads targeting Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown. The ads accuse him of supporting policies that allow “transgender biological males in girls’ sports,” a claim that has been fact-checked and rated as false by PolitiFact. Nonetheless, the barrage of negative advertising aims to sway public opinion by exploiting fears and misconceptions about transgender individuals.

Impact on the Transgender Community

The politicization of transgender rights has profound implications for the transgender community, particularly for youth. Advocates warn that misrepresenting transgender protections as threats not only fuels discrimination but also endangers the mental and physical well-being of transgender individuals.

Madeline Korth, a therapist specializing in LGBTQ mental health with NAMI Greater Cleveland, emphasizes that denying transgender youth access to affirming environments increases their vulnerability.

“It’s framed as protecting children to not let transgender or gender-nonconforming youth play on sports teams or use bathrooms that match their gender identity,” Korth explained. “But what we know from the research—and certainly from my work as a therapist—is that it actually makes them markedly less safe.”

A 2023 national study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that 3.3% of U.S. high school students identify as transgender, with an additional 2.2% questioning their gender identity. These students experience higher rates of violence, mental health challenges, suicidal thoughts, and unstable housing compared to their cisgender peers.

Furthermore, a study by The Trevor Project revealed that anti-transgender laws correlate with up to a 72% increase in suicide attempts among trans and nonbinary youth. Such statistics highlight the real-life consequences of policies and rhetoric that marginalize transgender individuals.

The Critical Role of Allies in Legislatures

In this challenging political climate, the importance of electing allies to state and federal legislatures cannot be overstated, especially in states with Republican governors. Having supportive legislators can serve as a vital counterbalance to policies that undermine transgender rights. Allies in legislative bodies can advocate for inclusive laws, block harmful legislation, and ensure that the voices of transgender individuals are heard in policy-making processes.

Transgender candidates like Arienne Childrey and Ari Faber are stepping forward to challenge the status quo and advocate for inclusive policies. They represent a beacon of hope and a call to action for the community.

“If I can give a little bit of hope to even just one trans kiddo out there, then it will all have been worth it,” said Faber, who is running for the Ohio Senate’s 30th district.

Childrey, campaigning for the Ohio House’s 84th district, emphasizes the need to move beyond divisive rhetoric.

“We’re trying to get beyond the culture war nonsense and get to people who are actually there to do the job of government,” Childrey stated.

Electing such candidates can help ensure that transgender rights are protected at the state level, even when executive leadership may not be supportive. State legislatures have significant power over laws that directly impact daily life, including education, healthcare, and civil rights protections.

Federal Elections: A Check on Executive Power

At the federal level, the stakes are equally high. Should Donald Trump be re-elected, it’s crucial to have a Congress that can serve as a check on the White House, especially regarding policies that affect transgender rights and LGBTQ+ issues more broadly. A supportive Congress can:

  • Block Harmful Legislation: Prevent the passage of federal laws that would roll back protections for transgender individuals.
  • Advocate for Inclusive Policies: Promote legislation that enhances civil rights and ensures equal treatment under the law.
  • Oversee Executive Actions: Utilize oversight functions to scrutinize executive orders and administrative actions that may harm the transgender community.

The potential re-election of Donald Trump raises concerns among many in the transgender community due to his previous administration’s track record on LGBTQ+ rights, including banning transgender individuals from serving in the military and rolling back protections in healthcare and education.

Allies Retreat Amid Political Pressure

Amid the escalating political attacks, concerns are growing that some allies are retreating from their support for transgender rights. Senator Sherrod Brown, historically a supporter of LGBTQ+ issues, has faced intense scrutiny and attacks focusing on transgender policies. While his spokesperson stated that local organizations should make decisions about sports participation, some people view this position as a shift away from steadfast support.

This perceived retreat underscores a troubling trend where political pressure leads to wavering commitments, leaving the transgender community feeling vulnerable and unsupported. It’s essential to recognize that while some allies may falter under pressure, disengagement from the political process could result in the election of candidates who are openly hostile to transgender rights.

The Importance of Voter Engagement

For transgender individuals, their families, and allies, the current political landscape underscores the vital importance of active participation in the electoral process. While disillusionment with some political allies is understandable, disengagement could lead to the election of candidates who not only fail to support transgender rights but actively work against them.

Engaging in elections at all levels is crucial:

  • Local and State Elections: Electing allies to state legislatures can help counterbalance governors who may oppose transgender rights. State laws have immediate and profound impacts on daily life.
  • Federal Elections: Ensuring that Congress is composed of members who support transgender rights can serve as a necessary check on the executive branch, especially if the White House pursues policies harmful to the LGBTQ+ community.

Every vote counts, and collective action can lead to significant changes in policy and representation. By supporting candidates who are committed to protecting and advancing transgender rights, voters can help create a more inclusive and equitable society.

Legislation with Far-Reaching Consequences

Ohio is currently considering several pieces of legislation that could further restrict transgender rights:

  • House Bill 68: Bans gender-affirming care for minors and restricts transgender athletes in sports, though it is currently tied up in court.
  • House Bill 183 (Protect All Students Act): Requires schools and universities to designate facilities exclusively based on biological sex, effectively barring transgender individuals from using bathrooms that align with their gender identity.
  • House Bill 245: Seeks to ban “adult cabaret performances,” a move critics say targets drag performances and infringes on free expression.
  • House Bill 8: Would mandate that teachers notify parents before teaching content related to sexuality and inform them of any changes in a student’s mental, emotional, or physical health.

Advocates warn that such laws not only infringe on rights but also contribute to a hostile environment that can have devastating effects on mental health. Studies consistently show that supportive policies and inclusive environments lead to better outcomes for transgender youth.

A Crossroads for Transgender Rights

The Baldwin Wallace University poll and the legislative actions in Ohio reflect a critical juncture for transgender rights. The choices made by voters in the upcoming elections will have lasting impacts on the lives of transgender individuals and the broader quest for equality.

While frustration with political allies who appear to waver is valid, it’s essential to recognize that the alternative may be representatives who actively oppose transgender rights and promote policies that harm the community. The stakes are too high for disengagement.

Why Every Vote Matters

Transgender voters and their allies must weigh these issues carefully when considering their participation in the electoral process. Voting is not just a civic duty but a powerful tool to influence the direction of policies that affect daily lives.

Engaging in the democratic process by supporting candidates who affirm transgender rights can lead to meaningful change. It’s an opportunity to hold lawmakers accountable and to push back against legislation that threatens the well-being of the transgender community.

In states with Republican governors, electing allies to state legislatures becomes even more critical. Legislators can:

  • Introduce and Pass Protective Legislation: Create laws that safeguard transgender rights regardless of the governor’s stance.
  • Override Vetoes: With sufficient support, legislatures can override gubernatorial vetoes on critical issues.
  • Shape the Political Narrative: Use their platforms to advocate for inclusivity and counteract harmful rhetoric.

At the federal level, maintaining a Congress that supports transgender rights is essential to:

  • Check Executive Actions: Provide oversight and push back against executive orders or policies that may harm the LGBTQ+ community.
  • Ensure Representation: Amplify the voices of transgender individuals and their allies in national debates.

The Bottom Line

The 2024 election cycle presents both challenges and opportunities for transgender individuals, their families, and allies. The political spotlight on transgender rights has amplified the voices of those who seek to marginalize the community, but it has also galvanized advocates and candidates committed to equality and justice.

Now, more than ever, it’s crucial for the transgender community and its supporters to remain engaged, informed, and active in the political process. By voting and encouraging others to do the same, they can help shape a future where transgender rights are protected and where every individual can live authentically without fear or discrimination.

Together, through solidarity and action, progress is not just possible—it is within reach. Electing allies at the state and federal levels is a powerful step toward ensuring that transgender rights are upheld, regardless of who occupies the governor’s mansion or the White House. Every vote is a voice for justice, equality, and the right to live freely and authentically.

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