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The Danger of Kindness: Standing Firm Against Fascism

Kindness won’t stop fascism—history proves it only emboldens hate. In this article, we break down why engaging with fascists on their terms is dangerous. Discover why rational debate won’t change deeply entrenched ideologies, how appeasement enables bigotry, and what effective resistance looks like. Together, we’ll explore strategies to stand up for human rights without falling victim to the false promise of civility.

By Sophie Molly

Should we be nice to fascists? Some say we should. Human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell believes we should ‘‘use rational argument & evidence, not personal abuse’’ when communicating with them. Peter has publicly criticized trans people who verbally hit back at abusive transphobes. I believe people have a right to defend themselves from harm. To blame the victim is to justify and enable the actions of the abuser. It allows a bully to punch down on vulnerable people without facing a single consequence for their behaviour.

In this article, I will outline the reasons why you can’t talk rationally with fascists. And why it is crucial that we don’t demonize people who fight back against hate. I will also look at what can be done to resist the bigotry.

Fascism is Based on Harm

Fascist ideologies are rooted in exclusion, oppression, and the promotion of harmful hierarchies (based on race, nationality, gender, etc.). Attempts to be nice to fascists can be seen as validating or tolerating harmful ideologies rather than challenging them. This emboldens them to further harm people.

TERFs delight in making trans people suffer, and they don’t care about people’s opposing opinions. Nothing you can say to them will stop them from hating trans people. They are powered by hate, and engaging with them in kindness only serves to further the hate. Rather than listen to logic or reason, a TERF will instead double down on hate to defend their prejudice.

Fascists often Reject Empathy

Many individuals who adhere to fascist beliefs are not interested in empathy or understanding others perspectives. Their views are often rigid and deeply held, driven by feelings of superiority and a desire for dominance. They will mercilessly harass and stalk trans people online, seeking them out to humiliate and persecute. Fascists are often sadistic and get a thrill from bullying vulnerable people. They hunt in packs and slowly wear down their victims.

It is Viewed as a Sign of Weakness

Some fascists may interpret kindness or tolerance as a sign of weakness and an opportunity to push their views further. Appeasing harmful ideologies doesn’t challenge them—it may instead embolden them. Appeasement didn’t work against Hitler because he aimed to dominate Europe, and each act of appeasement only emboldened him to make further aggressive demands, ultimately leading to the belief that he could achieve his goals without significant resistance from the allied powers. Fascists thrive on people capitulating to their demands. Complete domination of the people they hate is their ultimate goal.

It Fails to Confront the Harm

Simply being nice doesn’t address the root cause of the issue. When dealing with harmful ideologies, it is crucial to challenge the ideas, the structures of power they promote, and the behaviors they foster. Transphobia, for example, is deeply rooted in the belief of biological essentialism. A belief that says you are determined by the biological body you are born into.

Transphobes strongly believe that men and women’s behaviour is entirely dictated by their sex. Defending the stereotype that only men are big, strong, and dominant. That women are passive, weak, and live to birth children. They emphatically resist any ideas that contradict this belief structure. Transgender people don’t fit their belief structure and must be eradicated. Trying to confront this entrenched ideology with kind words simply does not work. So how, then, do we stop fascism?

How To Stop Fascism

  • When fascism rises, nonviolent resistance has proven to be effective. Organizing peaceful protests, boycotts, and civil disobedience can challenge oppressive regimes and ideologies while avoiding the violence that can feed into the narrative of authoritarian groups.
  • Fascist groups often use propaganda, misinformation, and fearmongering to gain support. Countering these narratives with truth, reason, and fact-based discussions helps undermine the spread of their ideas. This includes standing up against hate speech, discrimination, and racism whenever and wherever it appears.
  • Building communities based on solidarity, inclusion, and respect for human rights can counter the divisiveness that fascism thrives on. Supporting marginalized groups and fighting systemic discrimination can reduce the appeal of fascist ideologies, which often target these groups.
  • Supporting political candidates, parties, and movements that prioritize justice, equality, and human rights can help prevent fascism from gaining traction. Voting, activism, and participating in democratic processes are key to maintaining a society that opposes fascist ideologies.
  • Historian Timothy Snyder teaches us not to obey in advance. “Most of the power of authoritarianism is freely given. In times like these, individuals think ahead about what a more repressive government will want and then offer themselves without being asked. A citizen who adapts in this way is teaching power what it can do.”

Fascism is organized and assertive in its demands. We too must be assertive in standing up for human rights. We can’t stay quiet. We must be loud and proud. We must take to the streets and show the world that we will never tolerate discrimination, hate, and prejudice. This is how we will resist the bigots and defeat fascism.

About the Author

Sophie Molly is a dedicated political activist and intersectional feminist committed to advancing policies that promote inclusivity and equality. Sophie’s work emphasizes the importance of recognizing interconnected forms of oppression and advocating for comprehensive solutions that benefit all individuals, regardless of gender identity.

Op-Ed Disclaimer: The views expressed in this op-ed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of This article is intended to encourage critical discussion and exploration of challenging topics. We believe in promoting open dialogue while standing firmly against hate, discrimination, and bigotry. Readers are urged to approach these issues with thoughtfulness and compassion.

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