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HomeNewsStateside StoriesTrans Activist Monique Brooks' Murder: A Wake-Up Call for America

Trans Activist Monique Brooks’ Murder: A Wake-Up Call for America

Monique Brooks, a beloved Black transgender activist and hair stylist, was tragically shot and killed in Orlando, Florida. Her death underscores the growing epidemic of violence against transgender women, particularly those of color. The article explores Monique’s life, her contributions to the community, and the ongoing dangers posed by anti-trans rhetoric from social media influencers. It calls for justice and increased awareness to protect vulnerable transgender individuals from further harm.

On the morning of July 19, 2024, the world lost another bright light from the transgender community. Monique Brooks, a 49-year-old Black transgender woman, was found with a fatal gunshot wound in the parking lot of The Florida Mall in Orlando, Florida. Despite the efforts of first responders, Monique succumbed to her injuries at the hospital, leaving her family, friends, and the wider LGBTQ+ community grappling with the heartbreak of yet another senseless act of violence.

As I write these words, my heart is heavy with grief, but also fueled by the strength that comes from knowing that our stories must be told, our voices must be heard, and the injustices against us must be brought to light. Monique’s death is not just another statistic; it’s a tragic reminder of the epidemic of violence that disproportionately impacts transgender women, particularly those of color.

A Life of Vibrance and Activism

Monique was more than just a victim; she was a vibrant soul who brought joy and light to those around her. Her sister, Lecia Paul, described her as “fun-loving,” “brilliant,” and someone who lived her life “out loud.” Monique was a talented hair stylist, a digital content creator, and an activist who dedicated her time and resources to supporting causes close to her heart. Every year on her birthday, she organized fundraisers for organizations like PushBlack and the National LGBTQ Task Force. She was also deeply involved with Divas in Dialogue, a sisterhood in Orlando that empowers and supports transgender women of color.

Monique’s kindness, generosity, and zest for life made her a beloved figure in her community. Her loss is deeply felt by all who knew her, and by those of us who understand the broader implications of her death. As a transgender woman, I mourn not just for Monique, but for every member of our community who has been taken from us too soon. And yet, I also draw strength from their memories, from the knowledge that our fight for justice is more urgent than ever.

The Call for Justice

Monique’s death is currently under investigation by the Orange County Sheriff’s Office, which has offered a $5,000 reward for information leading to an arrest. Yet, as we have seen time and time again, justice for transgender victims can be elusive. Misidentification, misgendering, and the erasure of our identities are all too common, and they only add to the pain and frustration of our community.

Monique is one of at least 22 transgender or gender-expansive individuals killed in the United States in 2024, according to the Human Rights Campaign (HRC). She is also the third transgender person to be killed in Florida this year; the state has turned against the transgender community as a result of the state’s persistent advocacy of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation and rhetoric.

In addition to acknowledging Monique’s passing, we also need to address the larger political and societal factors that fuel this violence. We all live in a dangerous environment because of the growing tide of anti-transgender sentiment that is driven by hatred and false information. Even though Monique’s life was taken from her by a single violent act, the seeds of that act had already been planted many years earlier by those who wish to dehumanize us.

The Toxic Influence of Anti-Trans Rhetoric

In recent years, social media platforms have become breeding grounds for hate, misinformation, and targeted harassment against transgender individuals. Content creators like Libs of TikTok, Matt Walsh, and Riley Gaines have amassed large followings by spreading harmful rhetoric that paints transgender people as threats to society. Their messages are not just hurtful; they are dangerous. By perpetuating myths and lies about our community, they incite violence and hatred, making the world a less safe place for all transgender people.

Libs of TikTok, for instance, has repeatedly targeted transgender individuals and LGBTQ+ allies, using their platform to mobilize followers against inclusive events and spaces. Matt Walsh, a prominent right-wing commentator, has made it his mission to discredit and demonize transgender people, particularly transgender youth, with his inflammatory rhetoric. Riley Gaines, a former collegiate swimmer, has used her platform to rally against transgender athletes, painting them as unfair competitors and fueling a narrative of division and fear.

The impact of these creators cannot be overstated. Their followers, emboldened by the vitriol they consume, often take their anger and hatred offline, where it manifests as harassment, violence, and discrimination against transgender individuals. Social media, which should be a space for connection and community, has become a minefield for those of us who simply want to live our lives in peace.

As a transgender woman who reports on these tragedies, I see firsthand the toll this rhetoric takes on our community. It’s not just about the physical violence, though that is horrific enough; it’s about the constant psychological warfare we endure, knowing that there are people out there who see us as less than human, who believe that our existence is a threat that must be eradicated.

Strength in the Face of Adversity

Despite the challenges we face, I refuse to be silenced. Monique’s story, like so many others, deserves to be told. Her life had value, her contributions to her community were significant, and her death is a loss that we must not allow to fade into obscurity. By continuing to report on these tragedies, I hope to raise awareness of the violence that plagues our community and hold accountable those who perpetuate it, whether through words or actions.

But I also want to emphasize that our community is more than just our suffering. We are resilient, we are strong, and we are capable of incredible love and joy. Monique’s life is a testament to that. She lived boldly, loved fiercely, and gave of herself without hesitation. That is the legacy we must carry forward—the legacy of a woman who, despite the odds, lived her truth and made a difference.

The Bottom Line

In the face of ongoing violence and discrimination, we must demand better from our society. We must hold accountable those who spread hate, whether they are politicians, media figures, or social media influencers. We must advocate for policies that protect transgender people from discrimination, violence, and harassment. And we must continue to uplift the voices of those who are too often silenced.

As I remember Monique Brooks and the countless others who have been taken from us, I do so with a heart full of both grief and determination. We cannot bring them back, but we can honor their memories by continuing the fight for justice, equality, and love. We can—and must—create a world where transgender people can live without fear, where our identities are respected, and where our lives are valued.

Monique’s kindness, her spirit, and her unwavering commitment to her community will never be forgotten. And as long as I have breath, I will continue to tell these stories, to bear witness to the pain and the resilience of our community, and to fight for a world where we can all live free from fear. This is not just my duty as a journalist; it is my duty as a transgender woman, as someone who knows all too well the price of silence.

Let us remember Monique for the beautiful person she was, and let us honor her by continuing to fight for a world where no more of us have to die for simply being who we are.

Founder of TransVitae, her life and work celebrate diversity and promote self-love. She believes in the power of information and community to inspire positive change and perceptions of the transgender community.


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